About Us

Breath of Life Retreat is a place where you breathe serenity, create new ties of friendship and knowledge. It is a magical transformational journey into the depth of your being. It’s a profound and fascinating work that reshapes your perception of life and expands your consciousness.

Our mission is to help beings reconnect with the higher self, nature and the universe, to find true purpose, inspiration and meaning. We believe that spirituality begins with the physical body and real transformation comes within.

Our program contains powerful ancient practices of India, Cina and the Amazon such as Qigong, Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Mandala, Ayurvedic Massage, Intuitive Guidance, Vedic Astrology, Sound Trip and Ecstatic Dance, Sensorial Dynamics, as well as Ceremonies with Ancestral Remedies.


Our Testimonials

- Magical transformational journey into the depth of my being. Beyond anything I could ever imagine. Karina.K.

- Out of this world, emotional, learning things about yourself. Myla R.

- This is a one in a lifetime experience. It’s deep, it’s intense, it’s love, it’s reshaping your life all in one go. It’s a human experience where you make friends, an inside journey where you reconnect with yourself. It was scary ahead of the weekend but having done it, I recommend it to everyone! Aurore M.

- Fantastico e molto intenso. Albina A.

- Si respira serenità, si crea sinergia, si creano nuovi legami di amicizia e conoscenza. Una esperienza davvero unica. Marina B.

- There were several of us, people from different countries who came to reconnect with the Self. Unload your heads and bodies, feel yourself and perhaps see a new vector. We participated in ceremonies, we had light meals, we didn’t eat meat or drank coffee or wine. I returned to London as reborn - truly rested, in a state of bliss and peace. This retreat was just the support and reboot I so needed. Margo C.